General Health Branch
Migrants are particularly vulnerable to threats to their health because of their exposure to unsafe working conditions and domestic situations. As a result, far too many experience domestic abuse, sexual exploitation, and industrial accidents.
The lack of financial support for migrants, however, deters many from going to the hospital even when they are injured. This effect has become even more pronounced due to the pandemic; much of economic relief aid for COVID-19 in Korea and other countries has excluded migrants, and the numerous migrant workers on temporary contracts were among the first to lose their jobs when the pandemic hit.
ASSIST ensures that the migrants we serve don’t have to worry about the costs incurred when receiving medical care. We connect migrants to hospitals/treatment centers via telehealth and provides funding for outpatient and inpatient medical care. Over the past two years, we have successfully provided medical care in over 250 cases. Our partners — Chung Hospital and Seongnam Citizens Medical Center — all provide medical treatment at reduced-costs.

Injury Detection & Support
Migrants who require medical care for their injuries contact us through our online form. We review their requests and assess what medical services they will need.

Connect to Medical Services
We forward their requests for medical attention to one of our partner treatment centers, and they provide the necessary outpatient and inpatient care to migrants.

Medical Care & Medication Cost Coverage
We take care of the costs for all hospital visits, treatment, and medication. Our partner hospitals and clinics have all agreed to provide medical care at reduced costs.
A Brief Overview
of migrant workers with an employment visa in Korea subscribe to the national health insurance program
migrant workers in Korea died in industrial accidents in the last decade
of migrant women have experienced domestic violence in Korea
of currently-employed migrant workers from ASEAN countries were not provided personal protective equipment (PPE) for COVID-19 by their employers in destination countries